personal training charlotte nc


The only personal training studio in Charlotte NC Ballantyne area where you will have the entire fitness center all to yourself for the duration of each workout session.

1 on 1 Studio & Online Only Rates

4 Studio Sessions

per class

1 Class Per Week
$300 charge per 28 days
Private Studio
Nutrition Guidance
No Long Term Contract

8 Studio Sessions

per class

2 Classes Per Week
$560 charge per 28 days
Private Studio
Nutrition Guidance
No Long Term Contract

12 Studio Sessions

per class

3 Classes Per Week
$780 charge per 28 days
Private Studio
Nutrition Guidance
No Long Term Contract

Online Only

$225 per 28 days

Custom 4 Week Workout Plan
Weekly Updates in Google Drive
You Pick The Days Per Week
Nutrition Guidance
No Long Term Contract

Hybrid Personal Training (Studio + Online Sessions)

What is "Hybrid Personal Training"? HPT combines session(s) at the studio with a customized workout plan to do on your own. It is more detailed and would require access to a well equipped gym. Any level of experience could participate but a high level of commitment would be required. You would have the option of doing 1-2 weekly classes at my studio and an additional 1-3 sessions I would plan for at a gym of your choosing.

Why choose "Hybrid Personal Training" opposed to a studio only plan or online only plan? HPT maximizes your potential weekly sessions while reducing costs compared to training exclusively in my studio. You still receive the benefit of working 1 on 1 in person where I can assess your mechanics, identify weaknesses, and maintain a regular back and forth on evolving goals. Combining online training will give you more weekly exercise volume at a lower cost per session making it the most cost efficient service I provide.

What is the cost of the "Hybrid Personal Training" plan? It is $175 per 28 days in addition to your studio membership (see studio session rates below).

For example, if you did 1 class in person at my studio per week ($280 total per 28 days) and wanted to add 3 weekly online sessions that would be an additional $175 per 28 days for a total of $455. This would account for 16 planned workouts vs $720 if you wanted 12 in person classes at the studio in the same time frame.

Does this include nutrition? I recommend clients use the RP Diet App but if they choose not to then we can utilize MyFitnessPal, set calories/macronutrients, and suggest best practices for improving habits.

Hybrid Personal Training (combining studio + online sessions) is my recommended and most cost efficient service.

40 minute one on one personal training is the most popular as customers work with me directly and have private exclusive access to my studio. I am the only facility in Charlotte NC that provides true private 1 on 1 personal training. No other trainers, no other clients, you have a 1250 sq ft gym 100% to yourself!

Online Personal Training (100% online,not hybrid) is exclusively handled via email and Google Drive. The client needs to be an intermediate level or above and be very self motivated. I'm here to answer all of your questions and develop a progressively overloading training plan.

I provide individualized training programs. A program cannot truly be individualized when a single trainer is giving their attention to multiple customers at once. This is why 1 on 1 training is superior to boot camps, group training, and fitness classes.

Scale weight and strength tests are primarily utilized to track progress. I've never had a client lose strength in my history as long as they simply show up and show up on time! Diet adherence is key when battling the pounds. What you put in your mouth will dictate results.

24/7 nutritional advice is included. I utilize MyFitnessPal for tracking calories and macronutrients. Clients who commit to MyFitnessPal will without a doubt see greater results compared to those who do not! I am here to provide you with all the tools but you will ultimately have to do the work...If you do half the job you get half the results.

As an alternative (and my recommendation), I highly encourage the Renaissance Periodization Diet App. I do not share recommendations lightly. The RP Diet App will likely yield better results than MyFitnessPal, however it's a bit more restrictive and will take a more effort/prepping. It's all how much you want to dive into the nutrition side of things. I can help with either choice as I've been using both for many years!